Compare Top American Degree Program (ADP) Courses in Malaysia

There are 4 colleges and universities offering 11 American Degree Program (ADP) Courses.

FAQs about Studying American Degree Program (ADP) in Malaysia

American Degree Program (ADP), or sometimes known as American Degree Transfer Program (ADTP), is a direct entry into a university degree after a SPM or an equivalent qualification. This programme equips you for an American education by completing 1-2 years of your studies in Malaysia before transferring to a university in the USA to complete your degree.

The ADP structure is a mix of coursework and exams, which has a large focus on assignments, projects, presentations and class tests. Your final score will usually consist of approximately 70% coursework and 30% from exams.

This course is recommended for students who want to further their studies in the United States. It exposes you to the American education system, which emphasises on learning as opposed to exams.

American Degree Programs require at least 5 credits (C and above) at SPM, O-Level or equivalent.

To pursue the American Degree Program, you will need to have an SPM qualification or equivalent.

ADP is usually 4 years long, although you have the flexibility to complete the degree at your own pace by either taking more or less subjects per semester.

You will be exposed to a variety of core and general electives during your first 2 years, taking courses that are within and outside your major. In your final 2 years, you will take more in-depth and advanced subjects that are related to your chosen major (i.e. field of study).

To complete the course and earn your degree, you will need to have approximately 110 to 140 credits.

The numbers describe the amount of time you will spend in Malaysia, and how long you’ll be studying in the United States.

For example, 2+2 means that you will be studying 2 years at a Malaysian college or university, and then another 2 years in the United States.

Here are some of the top advantages of studying ADP:

  • Flexibility to explore different subjects beyond your chosen major
  • Allows you to complete your degree at your own pace, either slower or faster
  • Focuses on learning as opposed to exams
  • Develops your communication skills, due to its emphasis on projects and presentations
  • Progressive accumulation of marks throughout the course, which can be less stressful for some students

Can’t figure out if you should study ADP? Here are some useful articles that may help you:

Don’t think ADP is the right course for you? Perhaps A-LevelAustralian Matriculation or even Canadian Pre-University (CPU) is more suitable. Also, check out our Course Recommender for a personalised recommendation!