Bachelor of Education (Hons)

SEGi College Sarawak

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Quick Facts


3 years


Full-time, On-campus


Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep

Tuition Fees


Course Structure

  • Academic English
  • Introduction to Education: Educational Philosophy, History and Policies
  • Communication and Thinking skills
  • Sociology and Development of Children and Adolescents
  • Introduction to Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Technology in Education
  • Pedagogy and Diversity
  • Educational Psychology
  • Assessment and Evaluation in Education
  • Ethics and professionalism in Teaching
  • Personal Development And Communication Skills/Elementary Mandarin or Advanced Mandarin
  • Planning and Organizing Supportive Learning Environments
  • Practicum 1
  • Classroom and Behaviour Management
  • Management and Leadership in Education
  • Introduction to Research in Education
  • Co-curriculum Management
  • Practicum 2
  • Practicum 3
  • Research Project: Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education
  • Specialisation (Electives) TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language:
    • Introduction to Linguistics
    • English Phonetics and Phonology
    • English Grammar
    • Approaches to Teaching English as a Second Language
    • Methods of Teaching Listening and Speaking
    • Methods of Teaching Reading
    • Methods of Teaching Writing
    • Materials and Resources for ESL Classrooms
    • ESL Assessment and Evaluation
    • Literature and Drama for ESL Learners
  • Guidance and Counselling:
    • Introduction to Counselling Psychology
    • Theories and Techniques in Counselling
    • Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions
    • Group Counselling
    • Career Counselling
    • Diversity, Counselling and the Helping Relationship
    • Working with Disaffected Children
    • Family Counselling
    • Child and Adolescent Counselling
    • Mental Health
  • Early Childhood Education:
    • Early Childhood in a Changing World
    • Play and Learning in Early Childhood
    • Assessment in Early Childhood
    • Collaborative Relationships in Early Childhood: Home, School and Community
    • Wellness in Early Childhood: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Education
    • Arts Education in Early Childhood: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
    • Social-emotional Learning, Character Education and Social Studies in Early Childhood
    • Communication in Early Childhood: Language and Literacy Education
    • Science and Technology Education in Early Childhood
    • Mathematics Education in Early Childhood
  • Special Needs Education:
    • Introduction to Children with Special Needs
    • Language and Communication Disabilities in Children
    • Instructional Strategies for Children with Special Needs
    • Positive Behaviour Support for Students with Special Needs
    • Early Intervention and Support Services for Children with Special Needs
    • Management of Special Education
    • Inclusion for Students with Special Needs
    • Sign Language in Communication
    • Community-based Rehabilitation
    • Assessment and Evaluation in Special and Inclusive Education

Entry Requirements

  • STPM: 2 principals (min. of Grade C) (CGPA 2.0)
  • A Level: (2 subjects) Grade A - D
  • Foundation
  • Any related Certificate
  • UEC: Grade B in 5 subjects
  • Australia Capital Territory - (Year 12)/South Australia (SACE)/Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)/Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE)/South Australian Matriculation (SAM)/Tertiary Entrance Education (TEE)/Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)/Western Australia Certificate
  • Any related Diploma
  • Other equivalent qualifications recognised by the Malaysian Government
  • APEL.C: Up to 30% of your graduating credits can be transferred via APEL.C from your experienced learning
  • IELTS: Band 5
  • TOEFL iBT: 46
  • Cambridge English: 160
  • Pearson Test: 51
  • Linguaskill Cambridge: 162 - 168
  • MUET: Band 3
  • *The English requirement serves as a guideline and it is subject to change. The weightage requirement may vary for different programmes.

Estimated Fees

Application fees (non-refundable)


Tuition fees


Other miscellaneous fees


Discounts & scholarships


  • Exclusive
  • Waiver

Total payable amount


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Other savings

Up to RM3,000

  • Grant

