Have You Heard of These 6 Crazy University Clubs That Exist Abroad?
Who said campus life is just about the books? Here are 6 crazy clubs and societies you’ll wish you were part of at university.
Updated 08 May 2019

Are you tired of the run-of-the-mill clubs and societies at university? Been craving for a bit more excitement and adventure in your co-curricular events?
In this article, we’re revealing 6 weird and wacky clubs and societies around the world, which may just inspire you to start a creative club of your own!
#1. 20 Minute Society, Newcastle University (UK)
Newcastle University’s biggest social society is made for those itching for a bit of spontaneity in their lives. The society, which has inspired similar chapters in universities across the United Kingdom (UK), is famed for its thrilling social events where members will only be notified of the venue 20 minutes before the event via text message.
There’s no telling what exciting surprises lie ahead for the members of this crazy club — whether it’s a day of extreme trampolining or a bar crawl, which sees ambitious party-goers hopping from one bar to the next till the wee hours of the morn. The best part? Members get to attend the highly anticipated Mystery Holiday, where students are only informed of their destination at the airport!
#2. The Assassins’ Guild, University of Cambridge (UK)
Members of this society are encouraged to live out their twisted fantasies of becoming ruthless murderers through a semester-long game of mock assassination around campus.
During these riveting events, “assassins” track down and eliminate players using “lethal weapons” such as water guns and stuffed toys while trying to keep themselves alive. Unsuspecting players may be struck down at any time, whether during a morning stroll to the lecture theatre or even while minding their own business in an unlocked room! The last player left at the end of the term is the winner.
While this club may appeal to those with a special penchant for death, blood and gore, rest assured that it’s all in the spirit of harmless campus camaraderie as real violence is not tolerated.

#3. Brown Donut Club, Brown University (USA)
Doughnut aficionados rejoice! This foodie favourite is the “first and only collegiate doughnut club in the Ivy League”.
Formed to give doughnut enthusiasts an opportunity to bond with like-minded individuals through their love for the sugary treat, they work to scope out the best doughnuts in Rhode Island, United States of America (USA).
Members of the scrumptious society regularly provide doughnuts at events, host food-critique workshops and most importantly meet, eat and be merry!
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Start now#4. Humans vs Zombies Club, The University of Tennessee (USA)
The brainchild of two bored freshmen from Goucher College, Maryland, Humans vs Zombies is a campus-wide game that has taken university freshies by storm. Since its inception in 2005, the game has attained a cult-like following around the world and is even played in countries like Australia and Zimbabwe.
Members of this club are embroiled in an intricate game of catch on campus that happens 24-hours a day for 5 days in a term. The rules of the game: “Zombies” must chase and “feed” on a human (tag them) every 48 hours or face a bitter death — a.k.a they are out of the game.
“Zombies” can only be neutralised with a NERF blaster or a good pelting courtesy of a few balled up socks. From communal dining halls to the comforts of one’s own room, zombies could be lurking anywhere — no player is safe.
#5. Shire of Grey Gargoyles, Society for Creative Anachronism, University of Chicago (USA)
The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international society that pledges to research and recreate the life of pre-17th-century Europe, and the Shire of Grey Gargoyles is just one of its many factions around the world.
Yes, that’s right! Members of this club engage in a term-long dress up party where they take up personas as lords and ladies, don medieval-themed garb and partake in pleasantries such as dancing, cooking, brewing, spinning, weaving and combat training.

#6. Middlebury Quidditch, Middlebury College (USA)
Based on the widely popular fictional sport featured in the acclaimed Harry Potter series, Muggle quidditch is a combination of rugby, dodgeball, tag and basketball and is the brainchild of one extraordinarily bored but brilliant Middlebury College freshman.
This mixed-gender sport has players running with makeshift broomsticks between their legs with the aim of scoring goals, dodging bludgers and claiming the golden snitch — a tennis ball dangling from the waist of a neutral player in yellow. What started out as a hobby is now an international sporting event involving more than 20 organisations from across 6 continents.
Think you’re missing out on all the Potter-related mischief? Malaysia has its very own competitive quidditch team!
Don’t be discouraged if the clubs and societies at your universities don’t seem as exciting. Rallying together with a good group of friends who share the same interests will guarantee a great time, no matter what the occasion. University life is a once-in-a-lifetime experience so be sure to go out and get involved!