6 Best Things About Form 6 That Make You Smile

Form 6 has got it going on. Although known as one of the toughest pre-university courses, these 6 things are what make form 6 all worth it. Read on to discover them.

Updated 08 Jul 2019

6 Best Things About Form 6 That Make You Smile - Feature-Image

You can’t deny it, Form 6 is a one-of-a-kind experience. You are neither a high school student nor are you a college student. You get the same reaction from everyone who gets to know that you are an STPM graduate — you are a god / goddess who endured one of the toughest challenges in student history.

If you can relate to this — well done! STPM does have a reputation of being a tough examination to ace and you have braved through it without dying, so we’ll give you credit for that. Despite all the slogging you went through, it has shaped your experience and personality for the better. Let us walk you through some of the best things that you have or will be experiencing during Form 6.

#1. No daunting fees

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-No Daunting Fees

Although it’s not your bank account that’s going to bleed, you still want to help ease your parents’ financial burden. While your more affluent peers have a wider range of options to choose from when it comes to life after secondary school, it makes more economic sense to take STPM to avoid financial burdens.

In comparison to college fees, taking STPM costs almost nothing. So it is your best bet to not receiving petrifying student bills every semester.

#2. No uniforms

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-No Uniforms

The one thing you’ve always envied about college or university students — they get to wear whatever they fancy to class (talk about #ootds).

That’s right, it’s finally your turn to ditch those ugly blue and white / white and green uniforms! Although technically you're still in school, at least you're one step closer to feeling like a college student.

#3. Three is better than one

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-Three Is Better Than One

Gone are the days of cramming 1 plus year’s worth of information into one night.

Instead of the old system of a summative assessment at the end of your studies, the STPM examination is now divided into 3 formative assessments throughout the entire course. In other words, everything you learned throughout the entire 1.5 years is divided into 3 exams, instead of 1. Phew!

This is good news for students as they get to space out their studying into smaller chunks. This also means no slacking and more consistent studying, which, if you look at it from a positive angle, is a substantial habit to pick up, don’t you think?

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#4. The first year of your degree will be a piece of cake

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-Easier Degree Life

The option of taking the more glamorous route — going to college, would seem a lot more appealing to a young adult who has already been through 11 years of school life.

But, the good news for all sixth formers is, the slogging is not all for nothing. One of the reasons it is harder to score distinctions in STPM is that the syllabus requires students to be more analytical. So, you are in a way, preparing yourself thoroughly for your degree. This is great because you’ll be so prepared that the first year of your degree may feel like a honeymoon year, while your coursemates who didn’t do STPM might need to work their butts off trying to catch up.

#5. Friends like family

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-Friends Like Family

The bonds you make during Form 6 often last a lifetime.

As opposed to college or university, you get to be with the same group of friends for the whole of Form 6, instead of having different cliques for different classes in college. During the 1.5 years of your course, you do everything together — from singing Negaraku at perhimpunan, to creating chaos in the science lab. Rain or shine, your friends are there no matter what.

Not to mention that you still catch up with them for makan sessions even after you graduate, that speaks close ties.

#6. Driving out after school to lepak

6 Best Things About Studying Form 6-Get To Drive Around

You get to hang out more with your Form 6 friends compared to when you were younger, thanks to driving licenses! Driving off from school with your pals in the car and saying ciao to your juniors who are left behind, is a liberating feeling.

Be it carpooling or you driving your friends, you always look forward to spending (more) time with them at nearby cafes or shopping malls just because you can. Just be sure you don’t neglect your studies while having all this fun.

No matter how difficult of a storm you went through taking STPM, you’ll always look back and give yourself a pat on the back, saying: “I made it”. The memories you made during the last years of your school life will definitely make you smile in the future and the experiences you went through as a sixth former has made you who you are today. Be proud of it!

Want to know more about STPM? Check out everything you need to know about STPM in Malaysia here.

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    Faith Ooi

    Faith Ooi

    A feeder and English major who loves to sniff coffee, eat avocados and sing.

