EduAdvisor’s Virtual Education Fair Welcomed 20,000 Visitors in 5 Days

Did you miss our most anticipated event of the year — EduAdvisor’s Virtual Education Fair? Check out the highlights of our exclusive virtual fair here.

Updated 18 Aug 2021

EduAdvisor Virtual Education Fair Welcomed 20,000 Visitors - Feature-Image

Our highly anticipated event of the year — EduAdvisor Virtual Education Fair 2019 closed with a blast as a stream of 20,000 visitors participated in our virtual fair from 2 – 6 Dec 2019.

With more than 20 universities nationwide, thousands of users made the most out of the digital platform as they spoke to university representatives via chat, searched for courses and scholarships, and participated in interactive quizzes designed to help students discover their education pathways and career interests.

Many were also thrilled as over 40 prizes worth RM10,000 were up for grabs for our dedicated virtual fair participants who earned points by interacting on our platform. The grand prizes include a total of RM6,000 worth of scholarships, a Nintendo Switch Lite console, a pair of Apple AirPods, an Instax camera, Instax printer and more.

To top things off, the virtual fair saw EduAdvisor introducing an exclusive feature as we hosted our very first Live Webinar Series, where we spoke to industry experts of popular fields such as medicine, law and psychology to give students a snippet of the real world. These invited guests consisting of doctors, lawyers, engineers and professors all agreed that being passionate in what you do is the key to success, regardless of the industry.

To conclude, it was a momentous event made possible by the EduAdvisor team, partner universities and of course, all of our fair users. Many thanks to all for being part of this one-of-a-kind virtual education fair and a big congratulations to all our winners!

If you missed all the fun, don’t feel bummed, as EduAdvisor’s Virtual Education Fair will be back again next year.

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    Josephine Serena

    Josephine Serena

    Media studies and journalism graduate. Buy me coffee and I'll spill the beans. Also really tall.

