Be a Better Thinker With Australian Matriculation (SACE International) at Taylor’s College

Graduating from an Australian matriculation course is no mean feat! Check out how these students from Taylor’s College has managed to do just that.

Published 10 Dec 2020

Be a Better Thinker With Australian Matriculation (SACE International) at Taylor’s College - Feature-Image

As post-SPM students take the next step in their tertiary education, many have opted to pursue a pre-university programme as the preparational years help nurture skills and ultimately prepare them for an experience of a lifetime.

The same can be said for two exceptional Taylor’s College students, Hana Nadhirah Mohammad Kamal and Amelia Lai May Ern, who graduated from the South Australian Certificate of Education International (SACEi) programme this year and will soon embark on their individual educational pathways.

Taylors SACEi Achievement 2020-Hana

Hana, who will be taking accountancy in Bachelor of Commerce at the University of New South Wales, Australia highlighted some of her most memorable moments about the SACEi programme.

“The best part about SACEi, apart from equipping me with various skills that will benefit me in the future, is the fact that I got to grow close with my friends and lecturers,” shared Hana.

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Lai, who will be pursuing a law degree at Taylor's University, echoed the same sentiment,  “Definitely the people I’ve met, as we have been through so many all-nighters and deadline scares together.” She added that the SACEi classes encourage students to help each other through assignments.

Preparing you for success

As both students are active in extracurricular activities, Lai and Hana pointed out that SACEi has helped them with time management. “I quickly learnt that time management is key to balancing academics, extracurriculars and social life. It has undoubtedly trained me to excel under pressure,” Lai shared. Hana agreed, adding that consistency is the key to acing the programme.

The students mentioned that SACEi’s unique way of providing a hands-on approach to subjects has helped them broaden their knowledge and widen their perspective in learning. Hana pointed out that the non-examination-oriented approach called for many presentations, folios and group work, which required extensive research beforehand.

Lai added that the syllabus is unique as it emphasises on applying theory to practical life. “SACEi’s academic syllabus is supported by real-life case studies done in assignments, showing me how to link and apply theories to real-world cases.”

Defining a Taylor-ed experience

Sharing their thoughts on studying at Taylor’s College, Hana said, “Being the pioneer of this programme, Taylor's College has an impressive experience in teaching, as well as providing a great college life for the students.”

On the other hand, Lai made the decision to pursue the SACEi programme at Taylor’s because the institution has a proven track record of producing top scorers every year.

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Both students give credit to the top-notch facilities and lecturers in guiding them. “With helpful lecturers and the many educational facilities provided by the college, students would help each other out in classes, but I also have the chance to do a lot of research on my own,” Hana chimed in. Lai added that the library has all the resources needed for her to ensure she was exam-ready.

According to campus director, Josephine Tan, the SACEi programme has fostered academic excellence in students that enables them to further their studies abroad. Since 2010, Taylor’s College has sent thousands of SACEi students to Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight universities while hundreds more have been placed in universities around the world including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore and New Zealand.

Looking for quality education? Take your studies to the next level by enrolling in the SACEi programme at Taylor's Digital Open Day now.

Taylors DOD 2020-Feature

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    Nina Fazil

    Nina Fazil

    A work in progress — has been for the past 24 years.

