What Is the Residential Tenancy Bill All About? Learn More With IUMW Expert This 19 March 2022
Gone are the days of rental discrimination thanks to the Residential Tenancy Bill. Learn more about the act with IUMW’s expert here.
Published 17 Mar 2022

Did you know that there were no laws against landlords refusing to rent their property to someone based on their race? This terrible ordeal will finally be put to an end thanks to the upcoming Residential Tenancy Bill.
In collaboration with the National House Buyers Association, International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) is calling for students to know their rights when it comes to renting property. Catch Honorary Secretary-General Datuk Chang Kim-Loong as he explains what the act entails and how it can benefit you in the long run.
Interested? Jot the details below.
When and where?
Date: 19 March 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: It’s live on Zoom — just click here!
Why should you attend?
Here’s what you don’t want to miss:
- Gain insights on the residential tenancy bill and how it can benefit you
- Learn more about your rights as a student tenant through the Q&A session
Know your rights! Book your virtual seat now.

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Waivers, Discounts and Rebates: EduAdvisor students often enjoy additional waivers, discounts and rebates during registration due to our close relationship with universities.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Waiver: A 100% registration fee waiver is available for all EduAdvisor students using this waiver code — AGE24
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://www.rumc.edu.my/apply-now/
Remember to use the following waiver code to be eligible for a 100% waiver on the application fee and our EduAdvisor Registration Reward: AGE24

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://admission.unikl.edu.my/online/frmHome.php
Remember to use the following public agent code to be eligible for our EduAdvisor Registration Reward: PA0001

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://application.mmu.edu.my/
Select “Agent ID”, fill in the EduAdvisor agent code: AG0000409 and select Distinctive Education Advisor to be eligible for our EduAdvisor Registration Reward.

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://oculus.uts.edu.my/apply/signup.php
Remember to use the following agent ID to be eligible for our EduAdvisor Registration Reward: DEA

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Waiver: A 50% registration fee waiver is available for EduAdvisor students during selected UCSI events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to UCSI’s website here.
Remember to use the following agent code to be eligible for our EduAdvisor Registration Reward: 779700

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Waiver: A 50% registration fee waiver is available for EduAdvisor students during selected UCSI events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to UCSI’s website here.
Remember to use the following agent code to be eligible for our EduAdvisor Registration Reward: 100023

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Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Tuition Fee Rebate: A RM1,500 tuition fee rebate is available for EduAdvisor students during selected NUMed events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://application.newcastle.edu.my/registration?ref=1652487az1ydp0i

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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Head over to: https://intake.utmspace.edu.my/refer/63c50d45156c8

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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Early Bird Waiver: A waiver of RM1,000 is available for all EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme. T&C applies.
- Edu Assist: A tuition fee waiver of up to 35% is available for students that are from low income family. T&C applies.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- RM500 Rebate: A rebate of RM500 is available for all EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Bursary: A further discount of RM1,000 is available for eligible students enrolling in this programme.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300 in the form of Touch 'n Go eWallet Vouchers. Applicable for specific EduAdvisor campaigns up until 15 September 2024. T&C applies

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Open Day Waiver: A further waiver of RM450 to RM800 is available for eligible students enrolling in this programme during IMU's Open Day events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Application Fee Waiver: A RM100 application fee waiver code is available for EduAdvisor students during selected Monash events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Rebate: A registration fee rebate of up to RM1,000 is available for EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme.
- Early Bird Waiver: An early bird waiver of RM1,500 is available for EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme for the July 2024 intake.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Early Bird / Event Day Waiver: A fee waiver of RM500 is available for all EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme. T&C applies.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Open Day Waiver: A application fee waiver of up to RM500 is available for all EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme during MAHSA's Open Days.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Waiver: A Registration Fee Waiver of up to RM500 is available for EduAdvisor students.
- Special Tuition Fee Waiver: A further discount of RM1,000 is available for eligible EduAdvisor Students enrolling in this programme.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Fee Discount: A rebate of RM500 to RM1,000 is available for EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Event Waiver: A RM500 admin fee rebate is available for all EduAdvisor students during selected UM-Wales events. T&C applies.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
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You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Registration Waiver: A rebate of RM1,000 to RM2,000 is available for EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
Here's what will happen next.

You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Application Fee Waiver: A fee waiver of RM150 is available for all EduAdvisor students enrolling in this programme. T&C applies.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Thank you for your enquiry
Here's what will happen next.

You’ll receive an email confirmation from us regarding your enquiry.

Our advisors will be in touch to give you all the information you need.

Did you know all EduAdvisor students can enjoy some of the following waivers / discounts?
- Open Day Rebate: A RM500 rebate is available for EduAdvisor students during MCKL's events.
- EduAdvisor Registration Reward: Any student that registers through EduAdvisor (or make an appointment to visit the university through EduAdvisor) is eligible for an extra EduAdvisor Registration Reward of RM300. T&C applies.

Start your application today via our online application form: https://eduadvisor.my/apply

Nina Fazil
A work in progress — has been for the past 24 years.