Gain Deeper IT Insights with HELP Tech Day 2017

Keen to know what future the ICT industry holds? HELP's Tech Day 2017 surely is the perfect technology event for you to learn more!

Updated 14 Jun 2017

Gain Deeper IT Insights with HELP Tech Day 2017 - Feature-Image

Interested in knowing what future the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) industry holds? Keen to pursue a Computer Science Degree later on?

HELP's Tech Day 2017 may be the perfect tech event for you!

Targeted towards high school students, the annual HELP Tech Day aims to pique genuine interest in ICT by shining the spotlight on the current state of the industry and the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as showcasing the various tech innovations developed by HELP's very own IT students and industry partners.

Expect to witness various state-of-the-art innovation and sophisticated developments in the fields of games technology, virtual and augmented reality, wearable technology and 3D printing that will surely leave you in awe!

When and where?

Date: 5 July 2017 (Wednesday)

Venue: Level 5, Wisma ELM

Time: 10.00am to 3:00pm

Why should you attend HELP Tech Day 2017?

Apart from gaining some helpful inspiration for your own pet tech projects, you will also get to mingle and engage with top industry and technical experts to learn more about the opportunities that await you in the ICT industry.

Best of all, there are also technology workshops lined up to give you the exposure you needed to learn more about the fields of mobile app development, games development and computer programming!

Whether you're just curious about the ICT industry as a whole or a tech enthusiast, rest assured, you will definitely find HELP's Tech Day worth your time.

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    Chia Wei Choong

    Chia Wei Choong

    Retiring night owl. Occasionally addicted to caffeine and absolutely addicted to fried chicken.

