APU Offers Tech Driven Programmes as IR 4.0 and Global Pandemic Disruption Demands for More Digital Skills

Digital skills are extremely critical in the coming decade. Learn how programmes at APU can help you change the game in the digital field and be future-proof.

Updated 19 Aug 2021

APU Offers Tech Driven Programmes as IR 4.0 and Global Pandemic Disruption Demands for More Digital Skills - Feature-Image

The explosive rise in COVID-19 cases has produced immense amounts of data. Harnessing this information to improve treatment, formulate better policies and decision making as well as managing the outbreak has proved challenging.

However, the rise of new wave technologies such as data analytics, artificial intelligence and connected devices as part of the IR4.0 can resolve these setbacks by providing a smoother and accurate prediction of the pandemic.

Soon, technology will be fully integrated in the medical system that allows medical professionals to communicate with each other more efficiently with lesser physical dependency to save lives. According to “Industry4WRD”, the national policy of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) is blurring the distinction among physical, digital and biological spaces.

In tandem with this, the demand for skilled professionals in data has become critical more than ever.


The demand of digital skills 

The current dynamic and fast paced disruption will require people to be equipped with digital knowledge and skills to implement and better manage their work and organisations. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025. The world’s largest professional network, LinkedIn, predicts 150 million new tech jobs globally in the next 5 years.

Adding to this, the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint 2021 highlighted that the digital economy will become the foundation of the modern economy which will require skilled manpower to fulfil this national mandate.

As organisations are looking into reskilling and upskilling to meet the skills gap, future graduates will need to be equipped with qualifications that incorporate future-proof skills that will serve them competently within their organisations.


Path to acquiring digital skills

Taking a lead in digital transformation for higher education, all academic programmes offered by Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) are technology-driven, tapping into the Internet of Things (IoT), data science, cybersecurity, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), mechatronics, e-business, digital marketing, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital leadership, finance technology (FinTech) and mobile technology.

Customised programmes are also offered to working professionals and organisations who are looking to upskill and reskill.

In response to the demand for technology and innovation, APU is equipped with innovative teaching and world-class infrastructure from the United States, France, Singapore, Germany and the United Kingdom to provide students with hands-on experience. APU’s industry partners such as TechForte, Microsoft, IBM and TIBCO allow for industry-on-campus facilities where students can embrace and experience an industry setting to help them grow as competent professionals in a real-world environment.

APU has also established the first-of-its-kind collaboration with XR studio in Asia. The state-of-the-art studio comprises technologies, hardware and software capable of developing AR, VR and mixed reality (MR) applications. Students can get hands-on experience developing industry-related projects revolving around computer games development, multimedia technology, engineering, animation and visual effects programmes.

According to the latest Annual Graduate Tracer Study by the Higher Education Ministry, 100% of APU graduates were employed upon graduation. At APU, students are able to hone their skills through the state-of-the-art technology infrastructure, industry-on-campus, and industry experienced lecturers and professionals that have formed a successful ecosystem which helps in developing future-proof, employable professionals.

APU is on the right path in nurturing highly sought after graduates with readily employable digital skills and providing opportunities for upskilling and reskilling for working professionals.


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    Nina Fazil

    Nina Fazil

    A work in progress — has been for the past 24 years.

