APU and Rocheston Double Up to Secure the Cyberspace

Worried about cyber threats invading your privacy? Find out how APU’s Cyberthreat Intelligence Centre is securing the cyberspace.

Published 08 Nov 2019

APU and Rocheston Double Up to Secure the Cyberspace - Feature-Image

If you’re an avid internet user, beware of cyber threats. It’s growing at an alarming rate, and you could be the next victim!

Thankfully, Asia Pacific University (APU), in collaboration with Rocheston Pte Ltd (a New York-based cybersecurity training company), has come up with a solution — Malaysia’s first Cyberthreats Intelligence Centre to be based at APU’s campus at Technology Park Malaysia.

The partnership, which was officiated with a Memorandum of Understanding signing on 31 October 2019, is a further enhancement of APU’s existing state-of-the-art Cybersecurity Talent Zone (CTZ). Launched in 2018, the CTZ consists of a NATO-standard Cyber Range and Security Operation Centre, APU’s CISCO Networking Academy and centres for research and development for IoT and Digital Forensics.

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This Cyberthreats Intelligence Centre initiative represents APU’s support of advanced research in cybersecurity — particularly in cyberthreats intelligence.

Rocheston founder and CEO, Mr Haja Mohideen, said the centre will act as a hub for Cyberthreat Intelligence Centres to promote openness in data sharing with other centres that will be set up across Asia. “Activities of the Cyberthreats Intelligence Centres will also be based on sound academic standards and principles,” he said.

As a notable alumnus of APU himself, Haja hopes that this initiative will create awareness on cybersecurity while providing opportunities for students and researchers to gain first-hand experience in cyberthreats analysis that could be useful in forecasting future attack trends and mitigating cyber risks.

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    Ann-Marie Gasper

    Ann-Marie Gasper

    Ann-Marie Gasper

