Build a Gameplan for Your Future With Taylor’s Digital Open Day This March 2021

About to pursue your degree? Curate your own personalised university gameplan with Taylor’s Digital Open Day, happening this March 2021.

Updated 03 Mar 2021

Build a Gameplan With Taylor’s Digital Open Day March 2021 - Feature-Image

Overwhelmed by the options in front of you? Still trying to figure out what your plan is for your degree and future career? Let Taylor’s help you.

This 6 - 7 and 13 - 14 March 2021, create the perfect gameplan for your degree, career and beyond with Taylor’s Digital Open Day. Talk to their professors and academic counsellors and learn the best way to secure your dream life with free academic counselling sessions.

Are you interested? Keep on reading to learn more.

When and where?


  • 6 – 7 March 2021 (Saturday – Sunday)
  • 13 – 14 March 2021 (Saturday – Sunday)

Time: 10am – 7pm

Venue: It’s all online! Register for the event here.

Why should you attend?

This is your chance to plan your studies with professional help. Check out these exciting features:

  • Not sure which degree is for you? Secure a personalised counselling session with experienced counsellors.
  • Reach out to fellow Taylorians to learn more about what’s really like to study at this premier university.
  • Think you have what it takes to survive this world? Discover new future-oriented courses only offered at Taylor’s.
  • Go on a campus tour to learn more about your future home.
  • Join the live-stream sessions to acquire critical knowledge on how to identify your strengths and use it to achieve success.

Ready for university? With Taylor’s Digital Open Day, you too can have the perfect gameplan to success. Seats are limited so don’t forget to register now.

Taylor's Digital Open Day Agenda

Time Agenda
10am – 10.40am Finding the Right Fit
Choosing your university is one of the most important decisions when creating your gameplan. Join now to know what you must consider when picking the right uni.
“Start With Your Goals” Live-Stream
11am onwards
  • The First Prep: Prep is everything. Learn how Ng Yong Pong, from Taylor’s Makers Club, prepares his gameplan.
  • Options Overload? Learn how to pinpoint your options to make better decisions.
  • Mind Over Matter: Taylor’s Programme Director for Psychology guides you through the power of possessing the right mindset.
  • Explore New Territories of Borderless Learning: Discover how Taylor’s use unconventional learning methods to make online classes interesting.
“Determine Your Skills” Live-Stream
11am onwards
  • Directing Your Craft: Find out how Taylor’s Curriculum Framework allows you the freedom to explore your interests.
  • Cultivating Positive Habits: Fellow Taylorian shares 5 secrets to getting through university using positive habits.
  • Enhance Productivity By Tackling Distractions: Learn how to manage the distractions with tips from Taylor’s Unibuddy Ambassador Ali Moossajee.
  • The Right Environment: TUSC President Jonathan shares on the importance of being in the right place with the right people.
Time Agenda
10am – 10.40am Starting on the Right Foot
Here’s a tip to start right: Have your best foot forward in the right place. Join the discussion to know how to do this.
“Track Your Success” Live-Stream
11am onwards
  • Get the Ball Where You Want It: Discover how to seize the opportunities presented to you with the help of Wai Yee and our industry partner.
  • Mentor O’Clock: Bizpod incubatees, Julius and James, share the importance of mentorship in keeping their eyes on the prize.
  • Incorporating Technology Seamlessly: Supporting the student is the priority. Learn what latest tools and techs you will get from Taylor’s to help you in your studies.
  • Strategise. Analyse. Score. How does ex-medical school student, Zara, continue to grow and improve herself? Discover her secrets here.
“Play To Win” Live-Stream
11am onwards
  • The Draft Pick: Plan out your future career with Taylor’s Career Services Team.
  • Linking the Right Players: Watch how Taylor’s Global Mobility connects you to exciting student exchange programmes, helping you build your connections.
  • Grit is Key: Tune in to find out how you can mentally prepare yourself to get to the finish line.
  • Building Good Rapport: Develop your communication skills through work-based learning to start opening doors to the right connections.

Having the perfect gameplan is key. Register now to start curating your university journey with Taylor's Digital Open Day.

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    Dzulfazreena Dzulkefli

    Dzulfazreena Dzulkefli

    Too busy complaining about lemon but I sometimes read.

